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vous êtes le ème visiteur à passer dans la rue des cyborgs depuis le 15 février 2005

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avis de recherche

Bienvenu dans la Rue des cyborgs, le blog excusif d'information des cyborgs

first full cyborg...
--> ...but only with fish

Still an old articl from 2000, but intertesting : researchers have created the first full cyborg on hearth.

But it is made from a fish! 

Well, don(t be so desapointed, it's a huge step inresearch! Think that for the first time, a brain, and only a brain, was connexted with electronic et mecanic components. We know how fast researches go now a days ; for sur, we will soon see severly injuried people be "used" as testing humans for such application. Because don't forget japanese companies are extremely up to date with regard to robot designing. Being like Motoko or Bato is within reach of hand!!!!

For making a quick summary of this article : sensors for evaluating the light intensity were wired to nerves, and the brain of this cyborg reacted, as if it recognized the depth of water scientists thought. But what we have to bear in mind, is that every robotic members have to be accepted be the cyborg ; he has to get used to living with it.

All these results have been obtained by american researchers.

Ecrit par, le Jeudi 3 Mars 2005, 01:13 dans la rubrique "Actualités".