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![]() ![]() after one month on research, where are cyborgs?
The coming of cyborgs depends of two factors :
- The first of them is related to robots, to artificial life. It is an important part since cyborgs will be materially robots. Well, of course ther certainly will be different level of cyborgs. The first of them is simply determinded by the existance of cybernetics implants in a bioligical body, as Kenvin Warwick made the experience of. But later, machinery is going to have ever more importance in our bodies : first, only diabled people will accept to be partly digital humans. Between missing a lost member, and gaining a brand new one that enable them recovering the ability to live as other humans, it is easy to choose without hesitation. But as time will go on, "real" human will see the advantages of mechanical members and eventually could become a real fashion that will start by having implants. And then that will carry on by full artificial members. That's why progresses in robots machinery is paramount : this directly lead th the capability of using a mechanical member with as much ease as we do with bilogical ones. From this point of view, creation of last robots seems to indicate that ingineers and researchers are close to imitate with great accuracy human movements. I think espacially to the studies about human walk. Advenced robots such as Qrio try to present a globla approach of this problem ; more basic one such as Cornelle or Denise ( try to study this stiff issue witn more simple robots possible, so as to make easier to apply differents theories about human walk. So, to make it short, The first factor is a technical one that will allow movements. - The second factor is all about neuro sciences. That's doubtless the stiffer part. And surely the one that scare the most... I found only a very few information about it. Well, maybe that's due to the fact I did not really search about this particular issue... This science will enable to control the mechanical part with the brain. The interface between thechnic, mechanice and so on and biological face of cyborg bodies is bounded the overhang of neuro science. If we can't manage to "marry" biological and mechanic, it will be impossible to think the possibility of cyborgs. This implies the ability to send a "thought" to the member, to recognize it as a signal for drive a particular movement. But also to have feedbacks from common five senses. This field of research is represented by korean researchers that create artificial skins. The former by american and britanic ones that carry out experiments to link brain and artifial members. Ecrit par, le Vendredi 18 Mars 2005, 22:53 dans la rubrique "Actualités".