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Bienvenu dans la Rue des cyborgs, le blog excusif d'information des cyborgs

cyborg definition

Well, maybe everybody doesn't know what a cyborg is... And furthemore, a cyborg does not have the same definition everywhere! So, let me give what a cyborg is, for me.

A cyborg is simply a human, that's to say, a biological body in which "material" implant have be integrated.
What is a "material" implant? It is a device that enable the rest a the body to do a particular action. For instance, it can be an artificial arm or leg, an additional digital memory, why not artifial eyes (cameras)...

So, if we go up to the end of this definition, a cyborg can be nothing but a robot. In fact, not at all!!!! There is a paramount difference between a robot and a cyborg, something that will always make one fundamuntally different from the other : the brain! Indeed, a cyborg can ba physically exactlly similar to a robot, but he still has his brain, and he can think, control his artificial members by his own voluntee. His inteligence is not at all artificial, he has a real human intelligence. It is the single thing that is not artificial.